Inspired By: Agnihotri Shri Shukdevprasad Gaurishankar Vyas.
Managed By: Agnihotri Krishnaram Gulabram Charitable Trust.  

सर्वेत्र सुखिन: सन्तु सर्वे सन्तु निरामया:|
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद्दु:खमाप्नुयात्||

May all be Happy! May all people enjoy good health!
May all experience noble things! May none have any sufferings!

A Holy Place

‘Agnihotri’ Shri Krishnaram Gulabram Vyas was the founder of “Shrikrishnashram” at Bolundara, Ta. Modasa, Dist. S.K., Gujarat, India.

In the ashram there are ‘Yagnashala’, botanical Garden, Houses and Land for farming.

The ‘Yagnashala’ has become a sacred place because of ‘Agnihotra’ and the worship of the Lord Agni Narayan/Yagna Narayan





For the last 110 years, every morning/evening sacred AGNAHOTRA rituals like worshipping the Lord and offering oblation with the utterance of holy Ved mantras to LORD YAGNA NARAYAN are regularly observed in the Ashram.

The installation in the Vedic manner of splendid PA RAD SHIVLING, (Shivling of 108 kilograms of mercury) in the Ashram has also made it a sacred place of pilgrimage as devotees come for the darshan of LORD SHIV SHANKAR along with the darshan of LORD YAGNANARAYAN.



The trust can serve society at its best with noble goals. While thinking about management, under the skillful guidance of Pu. Shri Shukdevji, Pu. Shri Aatreybhai, having the deep knowledge of Astrology and other Dharma Shastras is also capable enough to manage all these activities as he is always there in Bolundra – Aashram and looking after the above said current activities.


The trust can serve society at its best with noble goals. While thinking about management, under the skillful guidance of Pu. Shri Shukdevji, Pu. Shri Aatreybhai, having the deep knowledge of Astrology and other Dharma Shastras is also capable enough to manage all these activities as he is always there in Bolundra – Aashram and looking after the above said current activities.

Agnihotra Tradition

For the last five generation the Agnihotri family is serving Yagna Jyoti. The following five generation are connected with the ‘Agnihotra’ of Shri Krishnashram, Bolundra – Krishnaram (Bapaji) – Gaurishankarji – Shukdevji – Jaiminikumar – Aatreykumar. Thus for the last one hundred years, from Bapaji to Aatreykumar the ‘Divya Jyot’ (Devine Light) of Yagna is continuously giving light. This is indeed a matter of great pride of Agnihotra tradition in Gujarat.


अग्निहोत्र परमो धर्म:|

चत्वारि शृंगा त्रयोऽअस्य पादा द्वेशीर्षे सप्तहस्तास्योऽअस्य ।
त्रिधाबद्धो वृषभो रोरवीति महो देवो मर्त्यां आविवेश ॥

સપ્તહસ્તશ્ચતુ:શૃંગ: સપ્તજિહ્વો દ્વિ શીર્ષક:| ત્રિપાત્પ્રસન્નવદન: સુખાસીન: શુચિસ્મિત:||
સ્વાહાં તુ દક્ષિણે પાર્શ્વે દેવીં વામે સ્વધા તથા| બિભ્રદ્દક્ષિણ હસ્તૈસ્તુ શક્તિમન્નં સ્રુચં સ્રુવમ્||
તોમરં વ્યજનં વામે ઘૃતપાત્રં ચ ધારયન્| આત્માભિમુખમાસીન એવં રૂપો હુતાશન:||
અગ્નિં પ્રજ્વલિતં વન્દે જાતવેદં હુતાશનમ્| સુવર્ણવર્ણમમલં સમિદ્ધં વિશ્વતોમુખમ્||


‘Agnihotra’ is a sacred tradition started by ‘Rishis’ and sages of ancient India. It is the worship of the Lord Yagna Naarayan. ‘Agnihotra’ means worshipping the Lord Vishnu - Aadi Naarayan - riding on the divine serpent and controlling the infinite cosmos, only by will.

‘यज्ञो वै विष्णु:’ (शतपथ ब्राह्मण 1|1|2|13)

The Sanskrit word for worship is “Upasana” – ‘Up’ (Near) ‘Aasana’ (Sitting) - Upasana means sitting near the Lord. One who is initiated either by Guru or by the command of the Lord Himself to worship the sacred Fire by offering pious things into it, is known as ‘Agnihotri’, and his ‘Upasana’ is known as ‘Agnihotra’.

In fact, ‘Agnihotra’ is the aggregation of - meditation, remembering the name of the Lord, act of devotion, surrender and Yoga. It is performed in the Vedic manner. Needless to say, only a worthy person is selected as ‘Agnihotri’ by the Lord.

In Agnihotra, the evening ‘Yagna’ performed by the ‘Agnihotri’ is offered to the Lord Agni Naarayan and the morning ‘Yagna’ is offered to the Lord Surya Naarayan (Sun).


Agnihotra tradition in times of Kings

In ancient times, every Brahmin was ‘Agnihotri’. To be without ‘Agnihotra’ was considered a curse (‘Shraap’). The ‘Agnihotri’ may require a house, land for ‘Yagnashala’ and for implanting trees and plants for taking care of cows and for such other things. Kings used to appreciate and respect ‘Agnihotries’ for their divine worship. They used to look after them by maintaining their families. ‘Agnihotries’ had not to worry about their livelihood or money so they used to dedicate their lives to the service of the Lord and to the different research projects. Thus, in fact, ancient Rishis were also scientists.

One who maintains the ‘Agnihotri’ family for the whole year will earn 16 % (6th part) of the total merit (‘Punya’) of ‘Agnihotra’. Such was the tradition in the times of the Kings.